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drawing of Allie upside down with her tablet and her dog

About the Author 

Alison Sloan

Alison Sloan became a published author in 2024 with her first book, "Dilly-Dally Allie" based on the nickname given to her for her perpetual lateness. The story is about a girl who struggles with being on time while getting ready for school, and Alison's hope is that those with similar struggles will be able to be entertained while relating and learning from the character's experiences. From this book, Alison developed other characters with unique struggles who learn the value of being themselves while growing to be better. As a former public elementary English teacher and current online writing teacher, Alison has been teaching children how to improve their social and academic skills for over a decade. Since leaving the classroom in 2019, Alison has been teaching from home, providing online writing classes to students worldwide. She even taught her illustrator! Along with working from home, Alison likes traveling, yoga, puzzles, volleyball, and sending people too many memes. She will also correct your grammar both professionally and unprofessionally. Alison has always dreamed of being a children's book author and is excited for the journey ahead! Follow her journey on Instagram: @alisonsloanwriting and her illustrator @violetdanaart

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